Decissió a USA on diuen que la Bulimia-Anoréxia és una malaltia Biológica i no Psiquiàtica.
Més referéncies:
"A federal judge says putative class actions seeking medical coverage foreating disorders can go forward, though eviscerated of some causes ofaction.U.S. District Judge Faith Hochberg denied motions to dismiss in Beye v.Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, 06-Civ.-5337, and Foley v. Horizon BlueCross Blue Shield, 06-Civ.-6219, following an earlier decision that alloweda similar suit against Aetna to go forward.At issue is whether eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia arebiologically based mental illnesses, for which state law and the HorizonBlue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey policies at issue require benefitscomparable to those for physical ailments."http://tinyurl.com/5bd8xy
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